Friday, June 03, 2011

The reason you dont let the DOG help you MOW THW LAWN!!!!!


Flowers sunshine coast said...

It is a beautiful pet

Pamela said...

She is the love of my life, yet she is still some sort of mut in a poodle suit. Geez what a wild thing she is. But I love her.

And said...

haha, adorable dirty little dog :* so cute!

Dee said...

How cute!

Pamela said...

Hi Dee,
Yup....she did her own Daytona 500 around the yard that day! Was too funny and I had to let her...she had a blast. (and it washed up ok)

Thanks for the comment!


buy wow account said...

WoW! she so adorable... cutie.=)

JT said...



Meghan said...

Hi im Meghan!
I have a dog to he's a boxer!
Whats your dogs name. I really like your blog its cool and I think your dogs cute as a botton!

Pamela said...

Hi Meghan,

Thanks for the sweet note about my dog. Her name is Pearl. She is a white poodle, although not always white if I let her help me mow the lawn.....then she is green!

I have a friend who has a Boxer too, her name is Roxy. What is your dogs name?
