Monday, March 12, 2018
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
ISGB/Gathering and the Glass Craft and Bead Expo classes and show!
I had a really talented group of students in my class. They did a great job.
The show was just as fun. And yes, I did drop a few dollars there! However, it was all Christmas present wood blanks for family and friends this year. I got the coolest 10 point deer head clothes hanger to paint up for my brother. He is going to love that.
This is one of the few types of shows, Tole and Decorative painting shows, where these type of things can be found. You just do not find this kind of thing. I also bought about 30 teeny, I mean teeny, wooden paint brushes. These are for my little bead embroidery pendant kits I plan to make. Painting these will be such fun.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
For all you Tole Painters out there like me, The Creative Painting Convention in Las Vegas, has been the beginning and backbone to entering the Tole and Decorative painting world. At least it was for me. I attended the very first one and went religiously for the first 12 years.
Over the Road Trucking (yes) and jobs in the creative industries such as Art Director for Walnut Hollow and Founding Editor in Chief of Bead Unique Magazine and Photographer took me away from the joy of painting for another 12 years. Now I am back and it feels so good!
I began as a entry level Tole and Decorative painter with incredible instructors such as Priscilla Hauser, and the very first show I was introduced to Rosemary Reynolds from DecoArt. She convinced me right there, that I should be a DecoArt Helping Artist. I really had no clue, but she had faith in me and my enthusiasm and signed me up.
Fast forward to today. In one month and 2 weeks, I will be back to teaching at The Creative Painting Convention in Las Vegas! I am beyond excited and cant wait to get there!
I am busy prepping and painting surfaces for my "Gone Fishing" banner that I will be teaching on Tuesday Feb 27th, from 8am to Noon!
by Pamela Hawkins
18" x 12" roclon
Intermediate, 4 hrs.
$22 fee, $25 cost
Total Price $47
Tue. (27th), 8 a.m. - Noon
CALL (702) 221-8234
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Wire oh Wire...
My then boss Nancy said you could go to this bead store and put beads on a piece of wire and they made earrings for you. So I surely was wanting in on that!
We get there and the wire was called a head pin. A straight piece of wire with one flat end. You stacked beads on it and the helper girl would add a loop at top and then you added an ear wire and wala you were done and ready to wear!
I think I made about 5 bead stacks. (5 pairs of earrings). Nancy however, being the uber critical type was never able to make one decision on a stack of beads. Yes, she litterally walked out with nothing to show for all that time. I felt so bad for her. Did I settle? did I just make stuff to make it and not over scrutinize my selections? Yes I thought that for about 1 millisecond and then smiled knowing I had 5 pairs of way cool earrings.
That led to taking some classes and really getting hooked. Wire has always been there. No matter what I learned, new techniques, glass, fusing, or bead embroidery, wire was always the back up. And I loved it.
Today, I have been playing with raw wire. Bronze, Brass, Copper and Sterling. I have been practicing on the Brass and Copper and its been a slow go.
Here is my little set up. I have realized that I need a 3-4 inch piece of 14ga wire. I need to ball the ends and hammer the middle. Well my torch is not near hot enough for 14ga wire. Boo. So I am practicing on how to get something that looks similar to a ball end.
I have even gotten all my polishing and grinding disks out with my Dremel and have been able to adjust it somewhat.
So here is where I am. I am learning and it is moving along.
I shall keep you updated on my progress. Hopefully I dont melt things into a puddle. although if I do, I will just begin again.
Happy Creating!
Saturday, August 09, 2014
How nice is this i tell ya! 4 kinds of maters tomatillos lettuce flowers and
Friday, July 12, 2013
Wake up call of sorts
He is a photographer and social media expert. Super nice personality, kind and a generally happy person. The type of person who has a conversation with you and sees all the good in the words being exchanged. One of those people.
The reason we were even talking this morning is because I overheard him in the hall talking to someone about the Epi app. Its an app created by the cooking and recipe website Epicurious to put on your tablet or iPhone and you can put in the ingredients you have and it will look for recipes for you using those things. I loved that idea and I went to ask about it and the conversatioin began.
He is one of those people who are like the V-8 commercials where someone smacks you in the head and makes you wake up and look around yourself. Stop being in a fog. Let your own natural clarity open your eyes to all the things that you feel passiponate about and get busy using your gifts. See, I think we get so bogged down by daily life, the hard things, the frustrated times, that we forget we have amazing gifts. Gifts and talents we have cultivated, and Gifts that God has given us. Its easy to forget those things when the daily grind does what it does -- g r i n d you down.
He not only made my day, but he made me realize I have a voice that is not being heard. This tiny blog, though filled with cob webs and huge gaps of emptiness of late, is one of the places where my tiny voice can rise up and be a good thing once again. Inspiration for some, a "smile" maker for others and a commiserate place to let like dorks go "omg I did that too, what a dork"
So I shall make it a goal to sit and write again......
Has someone helped you lately? Do you find it hard to stay in that "passionate" place?
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
It's been a tough row, lately but I'm following the plow. And there has been huge good, amidst it all.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4
(from a great blog friend something sublime)
NEW JOY in New Jersey?

I want to share a new phase of life for me and Pearlie. This might be my next place! Yes this little blue cottage at the top of that driveway! The landlord seems to be a doll! And its a dead end road, biking friendly, enough room, big kitchen and privacy and quiet. Sounds nice huh! Oh and bonus......that garage door opens and it will be my new STUDIO! Oh yeah.
I even think there are lilac bushes on the property. What a delight that would be huh!
So please say a prayer or two that all works out. So far its promising and proceeding beautifully!
ps. the rats are almost gone here in the bungalow from hell.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!
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Monday, November 14, 2011
Sign of 'my' times.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
The cart before the horse i dont have!
Now let me introduce Creative Live!
I got hooked on it by accident a while back. Not sure how long. And they are in Seattle Washington. They do these online classes for photographers and video people. That is a portion of the classes as they are vast to be sure. At first I saw the classes adn didnt get it.
It didnt take long to see the potential. While they are taping the class, with a small student/audience on the set, the consumer (me) can go online to the website and watch the taping LIVE for FREE! Yup you heard it, free. When I first discovered this, I watched or listened to all I could while I was working, even if it didnt pertain to the work I did. It was just so informative and cool! To hear all of these famous people with ooooodles of talent, doing what I am doing by accident, and its free.
While they are taping the course can be purchased for a reduced price, but after its taped and processed then it is full price.
So they had Lesa Snyder on this past week.

OMG I didnt listen to but a hour or so and realized it was exactly what I needed! Although she was doing CS5, she kept indicating if that same process could be done in versions 3 or 4 and so much of it was in 4 I just had to purchase it. So yes, I paid $79.00 for the course. I am still downloading it to my machine too. It was 4 days long!!!!!! And I have already learned so much.
However.........yeah laugh..........I do not have a computer that I can put my CS4 on, so I can practice the course. Lordy.
Its ok though.......I will figure out how to get a computer that can handle it. I will. I will. Dangit I will.
Sometimes things just work out backwards for a reason. Not sure what that darn reason is but I am sure its good!
Have a great day all!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
HURRICANE relaxation...baking some butternut squash with a drizzle of Nocello (
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.