Sunday, May 24, 2009

A few pics of the garden...

(yes the chicken is missing a beak-he fell on the garden path-i promised him some super glue tomorrow!)
~click to enlarge~

As you can see, I have been having a blast out in the dirt. I shall show off more each day! (if you dont mind!)

Have a great Sunday ~ p.hawkins

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I am back.......sorta

Hey everyone!

I know I have been MIA lately, and my last post is old and stale, but I am back! I am still in deep deadlines and shooting photos as quickly as possible, but today had to be a garden day to clear my mind of technological cobwebs and breath in some DIRT!

So as usual, after I got my cappuccino, I stepped outside on the front porch to sip and take a look see at all my front plants and gardeny things.

As I open the door, I see two little plants on a little stand by my front step. Now I know I have had that stand empty for a long time, and I know I didnt put those there so they had to come from someone?
With a smile on my face, I take a closer look. One is a Sweet Basil I think, and the other I dont have a clue. Any body know?
Now this person, I think Sherry my friend, knows that I have only killed a few things in my garden, or to be more precise, the cold has not let them live.
All have withered and died. So this beautiful Basil plant was pretty special to receive!
AND there wasnt a note from my secret plant gifter either!

It was a very delightful gift indeed!

I am also dying cantaloupe seeds with Navy blue Rit dye so I can string them with some peace sign jewelry I need to do for the magazine.

I have a TON of garden pics to share........again, just my simple gardening fun. And its looking awesome! I cant wait to show you all. Soon!

Have a great Saturday........I am going to get out the chicken and start roasting it and then BBQ in the oven sounds pretty yummy to me!

Hugs ~ p.hawkins

Thursday, May 14, 2009

For the amount of exercise I give my creative muscles, I am sure it is the skinniest part of me by now! ~ p.hawkins

Some people have this brainy 'literal' view of a creative process. Not so much in an artsy way but a more facts and details approach. Some people need a layout or a visual diagram on paper to see the creative plan and then they start up their own orchestrated flow of ideas and actions. Saying the artistic expressions out loud just doesn’t do it for them. That doesn't mean its bad, its just a different approach.

I was telling a good friend yesterday that her and I get creative just sitting on the clouds inside our heads. The very moment the words left my lips we both knew exactly what i meant! We laughed, yet it is so very true.

I am blessed or cursed, depending on how you want to look at it.

I have always been told that the creative juices will keep flowing if you exercise the muscles of magination, vision, creativity and the like. And to be honest, I do that constantly. It is an unconscious activity. It just happens. I cant stop it. The idea comes and I can see it in my head almost immediately. Next thing you know there are 37 more ideas coming out of my mouth. (oh don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean that those were 37 GOOD ideas) hahah

The hard part is opening up my head and letting others lean over and look down in at the holographic imaginings floating around in all that grey matter! (eeeuuuuuu now that is a visual!)

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Mom - I miss you

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life. ~ Sandra Carey

I remember one time, I loaned my Mom some money. As we drove away from the bank she said I will pay you back 100 fold. That was the first time I had ever heard that saying.

I didnt think much of that comment when she said it, I never wanted to be paid back, but tonight after talking to a good friend, I realized she did pay me back much much more than that. Funny thing is though, dollar bills had nothing to do with it.

As my friend and me were talking on the phone there were plenty of laughs to be had. My cheeks were hurting and my gut ached we laughed so hard. Laughing that makes you snort and let your guard down in the most vulnerable way, yet you couldnt feel safer.

I barely got off the phone and it reminded me of the last two years I spent with my mom.

What an incredible blessing it was........we laughed so hard during that time. Laugh so hard you cry, your mouth hurts and milk comes out your nose. I would constantly look up only to see her staring at me and I would say WHAT? She would giggle and throw the BIGGEST smile at me, her with those big glasses slid down on her nose, her square forehead I teased her about, those high cheek bones and warm chestnut brown eyes, and for that very moment in time she made life worth living. ~ p.hawkins

To all of my Mommy friends I wish you the best Mothers Day ever!

p.s. For my Mom – Loretta, Happy Mothers Day. I am missing you so very much. I wish you were here so I would have to go on a grand search for Lilacs for your special day. (they were always hard to find up here) and also for one more of those big hard laughs. I love you.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Beading for a Cure Auction

Beading For A Cure Auctions

I was involved with Beading for a Cure several years ago. Not only is it a good cause, but it involves some of the most talented beaders I know.
Please take a look and see if there isn't something that you would like to bid on!

Go look and bid, bid, bid!

New auctions are listed every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time. You can see which items will be up for auctions next from this link:

Have a great beady weekend everyone.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rain song

(yes the sweet peas are getting up there! - click to enlarge)

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~ Langston Hughes

For me the first attribute of rain is the song it sings. And we each hear a different tune.

As the rain shoots straight down out of the sky, I hear every single drop. I mean think about it really, your ears do hear every single one. Uh huh, yes they do! I think my mood is what decides the tune I hear though.

And when I hear the crashing of a downpour, I cant get to the front door fast enough... to swing it open and hear the roar. The only thing left to do is use my arms to brace myself against the door opening and L E A N out. It never gets old for me. Listening to the first sounds of a down pour.

It has been a very long spring rain time here, or it feels like it. I wrote my thoughts for the day last night as the rain was coming down. This morning I could see a glow from the blinds and as I opened them the sun BUSTED through. My plants have all been just coasting….sort of waiting to grow, and sunshine and warmth is just what they have been waiting on. This chick is way happy to see the sun today! ~ p.hawkins

Wednesday, May 06, 2009 the speed of sound

(even the Sage blossoms are not slowing down! But I am loving that zoom)

Time by minutes slips away, First the hour, then the day, Small the daily loss appears, Yet soon it amounts to years. ~ Ronald Tierney

Maybe what bothers me most is trying to remember where the day has gone when it flies by me at the speed of sound. I mean some days I can actually hear the noise as it zooms by my head. (well not really, yet it feels that way)
The day is completely uncaring to my thoughts and needs. No engine brake is heard, no slowing of the action and not a single alert that it is leaving in a hurry.

My only indication that the day has slipped away is when the end of it has arrived and I wondered how it got here so fast. Shortly there after it will leave, and with out so much as a good-bye.~ p.hawkins

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Its a new Dream wrapped in a brand new day.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, Where have I gone wrong? Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night. ~ Charles M. Schulz

I got up this morning groggy and sleepy. I didn’t sleep well last night, I kept dreaming of beads and gardens and web pages and on and on and on it seemed to go. So as I sat here this morning, scanning the globe for a single little quote to pass along, I came across this one and it made me chuckle!

I mean, sometimes I wonder if there is any sleep at all happening when I have a night like that. Once I am up though, leaning over the kitchen sink with my eyes closed and my head in my hands, I realize I am at the morning point of no return. Waiting for the sound of the cappuccino machine to make its morning noises and waft the coffee smell into the air it signals its time now, time to open my eyes.(dangit)

As I sit here this morning, holding my steaming cappuccino in both hands, turning it and licking the froth off the edges of my favorite chicken cup, then taking a sip, I realize it’s a new dream, a dream come true wrapped in a brand new day. ~ p.hawkins

Monday, May 04, 2009


If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page ~ Mark Houlahan

What if the plain memos and post-it notes you write every day told the story of you. Work notes, home notes or bulletins. What you did each day. How you articulated it. The manner in which you wrote it. Would they be written in soft handwriting style or bold print. Would you ad little smiley faces or dot your I’s with hearts? What type of paper is your surface of choice? Do you have a favorite pen? Yes all of these things, to me, effect the end composition regardless of the subject matter.

Would everyone come to expect your notes to be more like a novel or would you be short and quick and to the point. What do your notes say about you?

As you well know my notes fall into the novel category...I do believe if I had experienced years of schooling, with immense emphases on how to keep notes short and sweet and to the point, that even now, I would still NOT be able to stop myself from rambling on. ~ p.hawkins