Saturday, May 23, 2009

I am back.......sorta

Hey everyone!

I know I have been MIA lately, and my last post is old and stale, but I am back! I am still in deep deadlines and shooting photos as quickly as possible, but today had to be a garden day to clear my mind of technological cobwebs and breath in some DIRT!

So as usual, after I got my cappuccino, I stepped outside on the front porch to sip and take a look see at all my front plants and gardeny things.

As I open the door, I see two little plants on a little stand by my front step. Now I know I have had that stand empty for a long time, and I know I didnt put those there so they had to come from someone?
With a smile on my face, I take a closer look. One is a Sweet Basil I think, and the other I dont have a clue. Any body know?
Now this person, I think Sherry my friend, knows that I have only killed a few things in my garden, or to be more precise, the cold has not let them live.
All have withered and died. So this beautiful Basil plant was pretty special to receive!
AND there wasnt a note from my secret plant gifter either!

It was a very delightful gift indeed!

I am also dying cantaloupe seeds with Navy blue Rit dye so I can string them with some peace sign jewelry I need to do for the magazine.

I have a TON of garden pics to share........again, just my simple gardening fun. And its looking awesome! I cant wait to show you all. Soon!

Have a great Saturday........I am going to get out the chicken and start roasting it and then BBQ in the oven sounds pretty yummy to me!

Hugs ~ p.hawkins


Daisy said...

Both plants look like basil to me - maybe I'm not looking closely. If they're herbs, the scent will identify them soon enough!

Pamela said...

Thanks Daisy!

Actually the large one is for sure Basil. It smells wonderful.

The little one I am still not sure. And no one has called me to be the owner of the "plant porch gift"!